Sunday, July 5, 2020

High Stakes Gambling

In America one has a right to believe, and to proclaim, and to live by the belief that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, The American Medical Association, the Center for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization (and others) are engaged in a national, or maybe even a global liberal conspiracy to control the world. One has a right, in America, to believe that the COVID-19 pandemic is a ruse—a tool being used by said liberal conspiracy to take away our freedoms and liberties and rights, and that it is no more threatening than last year’s influenza season.

One has that right.

But, what if there is a slight chance—an ever-so-slight chance—even just a 10% chance—that one would be wrong in that belief? What if the coronavirus is as deadly as the evil, liberal conspiracy claims?

What if wearing a mask and social distancing really do reduce the risk [nobody ever claimed those actions would totally eliminate the risk] of contracting—or of transmitting—the disease? It’s one thing to say, “I’ll take my chances.” “I’m willing to gamble with my health, and maybe my life, on the belief that I’m right.”

One has that right.


…until that right violates my right(s). As the cliché goes, “Your rights stop where my nose begins.”

At some point it ceases to be a matter of one’s personal liberties and rights, and becomes a matter of cooperation, compassion, and common decency and respect.

So, while one can say, “I’ll take my chances; I’m willing to gamble with my health, and even my life, on my belief,” it’s NOT OK to gamble with my health and my family’s health on the basis of your obstinacy. And it’s not OK to dismiss my concerns as the incoherent mutterings of a university-brainwashed libtard.

What if you’re wrong? The stakes are terribly high.

That’s the way it looks through the Flawed Glass that is my world view.

Together in the Walk,



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