May 20, 2016
My 2016 Ongoing Journey: Exploring Matthew to
discover what following Jesus and becoming more like him would look like.
Matthew 16:13-23 ~ Peter’s “Good Confession. “In most Christian traditions it is incorporated
in some way into the experience through which individuals affiliate with the
church by acknowledging faith in Jesus and being baptized (or having their
baptism confirmed).
Peter announces Jesus as Messiah, and
Jesus confirms his declaration as divinely inspired. [Paul would later declare,
“No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit” (I Corinthians
12:3).] But then Jesus utters that mysterious instruction that is repeated
several times through the Gospels: “Shhhhh! Don’t tell anybody!” It’s called
the “Messianic Secret,” and many books and treatises have been written about
it. I’m going to acknowledge it and leave it for now.
Perhaps because of its importance to the
whole Christian experience, the “Good Confession” passage may overshadow the
passage immediately following. Jesus begins to explain what it means for him to
be “Messiah”—here he utters the first of three predictions of his Passion. But
Peter, the one who has just declared him Messiah, takes him aside and scolds
him: “Jesus! Don’t talk like that! Messiah doesn’t talk like that!”
Jesus’ response is the same as his
response to the tempter in the wilderness: “Get behind me, Satan!” And then
come the words that must have stung Peter severely: “You
are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things
but on human things.” Ouch!
I have acknowledged Jesus as the Christ,
the Son of God and my Savior; but, am I a stumbling block to him? Am I trying
to force Jesus into my mold—to direct where he leads me; confirm the “spiritual”
choices I’ve already made and to which I’m already committed?
That's the way it looks through the flawed glass that is my world
Together in the Walk,
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