Tuesday, January 10, 2017

As Innauguration Day Approaches

This morning I was reviewing some of my writings from the past year, and found the following "E-Pistle" to the congregation I serve. It was from the morning after the election, and I felt called to offer pastoral perspective. I find it still appropriate, and offer it to a larger audience through my blog. As always, I invite and encourage your respectful response.

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"Good Morning, Church!
"As your minister, I feel called to provide encouragement and guidance—in all of life’s circumstances –to those who called me. It is most difficult to do so when my own cup is empty.

"This morning I have prayerfully gleaned words of focus and direction from several sources, and my cup is not so empty now. I want to share how my own spirit has found some peace and made some sense out of what happened at the polls yesterday.

"1.      For the first time in my memory, one party will control the entire government of the United States:

a.     The Executive Branch—The Presidency, the Cabinet and the White House staff.

b.    The Legislative Branch—both Houses of Congress

c.     The Judicial Branch—it seems to follow that the Supreme Court, and for the next four years all lower court appointees, will represent a conservative ideology.

"2.     One of two things will happen as a result:

a.     The ideology of the party that controls the government will be exposed as inadequate, or even counterproductive, for the good of the entire country.

b.    The ideology of the party that controls the government will be vindicated as adequate and effective in providing a foundation for the growth and integrity of our country.

"In either case, the direction of the country’s future will be clear: if (a) comes to pass, then we will be set back and damaged for a time; but, the way will become clearer as we move into the next election cycle. If (b) is the reality, the way also will be clear for the next election cycle.

"I pray that if (a) plays out, the damage will not be too bad. And if it is (b) that plays out, I pray that I will have the grace to own up to the inadequacies of my own ideology, and will be able to swallow my pride and support what seems to be working.

"I have my own ideas about which scenario will play out. For now, what do we as Christians do?

"As usual, I found great wisdom in the closing words of Bill Rose-Heim’s letter to the churches in the region he serves (Greater Kansas City Region):

"'We can re-commit to living out our Disciples identity:

“’We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.  As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.

“'Talk about timely!  Let’s get around the Table.  Let’s listen and speak with humility and wisdom, compassion and hope. Then, let’s get to work!  We are ALL called and chosen for this time!'

"And Unity is our Polar Star!"

Together in the Walk,

Pastor Jim

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