Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Two Pleasant Surprises

I had two pleasant surprises this morning. First, when I stepped outside for my morning walk/jog, it was raining. I checked the radar app on my phone, and the band of showers was very large; so, there would be no walk/jog this morning!

Now, I’m well aware of the benefits that accrue from my morning ritual. It’s generally good for my cardio/vascular health, physical stamina and flexibility. And at my age, all of those benefits are crucial.

The benefits especially will be appreciated in about two-and-a-half weeks, when I hoist a 35-pound backpack and start up Windsor Trail toward the peak of Santa Fe Baldy in New Mexico’s Pecos Wilderness. It will be my first backpacking trip since 1987; but, I hope it won’t be my last. I’ve missed those adventures.  

Even with walking, jogging and lots of regular stretching, I deal with daily aches and soreness resulting from the yard work I enjoy. I can only imagine what my aging body would feel like if I weren’t doing some kind of regular conditioning routine.

Still, benefits notwithstanding, the walking/jogging is an effort I’d just as soon forego; so, the rain was a welcome surprise this morning.

I picked up the newspaper and stepped back inside. After shedding my hiking boots, I settled into my recliner with my newspaper. On the front page was not a single story about a shooting, murder, rape, robbery… not even an arrest for dui! I haven’t kept records; however, that may be a first. Usually there are three or more stories about such acts of violence.

I think of our community, Conway Arkansas, as a safe place to live, and I guess it is, all things being considered. It’s a university and college town with three significant institutions of higher learning. Some major industries bolster the tax base, which the progressive city government puts to good use. The old downtown area is well known in the area for its well-maintained early twentieth century charm. Even with new upscale shopping centers going up, there are very few vacant buildings downtown.

All-in-all, it’s a good place to live. But violence sells newspapers, I’m told; so, the front page of the local newspaper usually is loaded with what sells.

Today, the lead headline was about a gourmet popcorn shop going into the newest shopping center in town. I guess that’s important to somebody. There also was a story about a project to clean up and spruce up a street connecting downtown to one of the college campuses. The artist’s rendering looks really nice. The “more pedestrian friendly environment” will have wide sidewalks and bike lanes, with “portions of the project (being) designed for the arts.”

A local collision repair service is offering free child passenger safety seat checkups, and the University of Central Arkansas Archives is home to 360 unique collections.

A nice alternative to the usual litany of violence.

That’s the way it looks through the flawed glass that is my world view.

Together in the Walk,


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