Monday, February 29, 2016

My 2016 Lenten Journey--Day 18

February 27, 2016 ~ Day 18

My 2016 Lenten Journey: Exploring the Gospels to discover what following Jesus and becoming more like him would look like? And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32 NRSV).

Matthew 7:1-5 ~ This first verse may be the most misunderstood, and certainly the most misapplied verse in the Gospels. In practical application, the overwhelming understanding of this verse, at least insofar as I have seen and heard it applied, is simply, “Don’t judge.” And by that is universally understood, “Don’t react negatively to anyone else.” Period. That’s not it; nor is it a simple verse to understand.

First, in the original language of the New Testament there are two words that can be translated, “to judge.” One means, literally, to condemn. The other, the one used in this verse, means “to discern”, to differentiate, as between good and evil. While the former refers to the sentencing of the guilty, the latter refers to the application of standards.

As is so often the case the misapplication is the result of yanking the verse—or a part of it—out of context. The larger passage is not directly related to judging, but rather to the standards by which we judge. Bottom line, it’s about hypocrisy: criticizing others while there’s dirt under our own fingernails.

The key verse is not verse 1, but verse 3, “Take the log out of your own eye before worrying about the speck in your neighbor’s eye.” Insofar as judging is a part of the meaning, the application would be, “don’t judge others by any standard different than the one by which you judge yourself.”

How many people do you know who are harshly critical of almost everyone else’s driving; but who then drive 85 mph in a 70 mph zone? And then become outraged if ticketed for excessive speed?

Judgmentalism is sinful; but, there are other verses that address it more directly than Matthew 7:1.

If I am to follow Jesus, I cannot live by double standards.

Whoever has seen me has seen the Father (John 14:9 NRSV)

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32 NRSV).

That's the way it looks through the flawed glass that is my world view.

Together in the Walk,


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